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Time Saving Strategies for Busy Professionals Juggling Work and CPD in 2024

Hello and welcome to the July edition of the iCPD blog. As we enter the seventh month of 2024, it’s remarkable how quickly the year has progressed.

For busy professionals, it’s so important to efficiently manage their workload as well as maintain their lifestyle along with upgrading their professional commitments. 

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is essential for professionals aiming to stay relevant and competitive in their fields. However, balancing work commitments with CPD activities can be challenging. With mounting responsibilities and tight schedules, effective time management becomes crucial to ensure that CPD does not fall by the wayside.

This blog will explore the value of CPD, provide time management strategies, and offer insights on integrating CPD into daily routines to help busy professionals achieve a harmonious balance.

Strategies for Efficient Time Management

Managing time effectively is crucial for balancing work and CPD. Start by setting clear goals. Define what you want to achieve through CPD, as specific goals help prioritize activities and maintain focus. Developing a structured CPD plan outlining activities, timelines, and milestones can help you visualize the path ahead and stay on track.

Prioritize tasks using tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize them based on urgency and importance, ensuring critical CPD activities come first. Break down CPD activities into smaller, manageable tasks to make it easier to incorporate them into your busy schedule without feeling overwhelmed.

Leverage technology to streamline CPD activities. Online courses, webinars, and CPD tracking apps save time and offer flexibility. Delegate routine tasks at work when possible, freeing up time for CPD, and consider outsourcing tasks that others can handle efficiently. Allocate specific time blocks for CPD in your calendar and treat these slots as non-negotiable appointments.

Understanding the Value of CPD​

Continuing Professional Development is more than a checkbox on a professional’s to-do list. It’s a commitment to ongoing learning and self-improvement. Here are some key benefits of CPD:

  • Enhanced Knowledge and Skills: CPD allows professionals to acquire new skills and knowledge, keeping them updated with industry trends and advancements.
  • Career Advancement: Engaging in CPD can lead to career progression opportunities, such as promotions or new roles.
  • Professional Credibility: Demonstrating a commitment to CPD enhances professional credibility and trust with clients and employers.
  • Personal Growth: Beyond professional benefits, CPD contributes to personal growth, boosting confidence and job satisfaction.

Integrating CPD into Daily Routine

Incorporating CPD into your daily routine can make the process less daunting. Dedicate the first 30 minutes of your day to CPD. Early morning is often a quiet time, free from work distractions. Utilize lunch breaks for quick learning sessions, such as listening to industry-related podcasts or reading articles.

Turn your commute into a learning opportunity by accessing audiobooks or educational videos related to your field. Allocate time in the evening for CPD activities, whether it’s an hour of reading, online courses, or participating in webinars. Look for ways to integrate CPD with daily work tasks. For instance, if you’re learning a new software tool, apply it directly to your current projects.

Dedicate a couple of hours over the weekend to CPD. This can be a more relaxed time for deep learning or attending workshops. Stay flexible and open to adjusting your schedule as needed. Flexibility ensures you can adapt to unexpected work demands without neglecting CPD.

Action Steps:

Download our Free iCPD Planner and start taking action now. On this planner, you can assess your current skills and set clear goals for the remaining of 2024. Use this planner as a monthly CPD journal to: 

  • Set clear, achievable CPD goals and develop a structured plan to guide your progress.
  • Use technology and time management tools to streamline CPD activities and integrate them into your daily routine.

Final Thoughts:

Prioritizing CPD is crucial for ongoing professional growth and staying competitive in any field. By adopting proactive time management strategies, professionals can effectively balance work and CPD without feeling overwhelmed. Investing in your development not only enhances your career prospects but also contributes to personal fulfillment. Embrace CPD as a continuous journey, and make time management a key component of your professional toolkit. 

By integrating CPD into your daily routine and managing your time efficiently, you can ensure that your professional development remains on track, paving the way for future success and satisfaction.

Follow us on our social handles to learn more tips and insights everyday. 

Transferable Skills in the age of AI and Automation

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, staying competitive requires more than just technical expertise. As artificial intelligence (AI) and automation continue to revolutionise industries, the demand for versatile professionals equipped with transferable skills is on the rise.

In this blog post, we explore why these skills are invaluable in the age of AI and automation, and how they play a pivotal role in Continuing Professional Development (CPD). While the outlook of work undergoes transformation, the importance of CPD becomes increasingly apparent, allowing individuals to adapt, grow, and thrive in the face of change.

Adapting to Change

In a world where job roles are constantly evolving and new technologies emerge at a staggering pace, adaptability is paramount. Transferable skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, enable professionals to sail shifting landscapes with agility. 

Through CPD initiatives, individuals have the opportunity to cultivate these skills, ensuring they remain relevant and resilient in their careers.

How can you adapt to change: 

  • Cross-Training Initiatives: Engage in cross-training initiatives within your organisation to develop new skills and broaden your expertise, enhancing your ability to adapt to changing job roles.

By investing in CPD, professionals not only enhance their employability but also future-proof their skill set against the uncertainties of technological advancement.

Collaboration and Innovation

The era of AI and automation brings with it remarkable opportunities for collaboration and innovation. However, to fully capitalise on these opportunities, individuals must possess a diverse set of skills beyond technical proficiency. 

Collaboration, creativity, and emotional intelligence are integral components of successful teamwork and innovation. 

Through CPD programs, individuals can hone these skills, encouraging a culture of collaboration and driving innovation within their organisations.

  • Team-Based Projects: Collaborate with colleagues on team-based projects that encourage creativity, problem-solving, and communication skills.
  • Design Thinking Workshops: Attend workshops or training sessions on design thinking, a human-centred approach to innovation that fosters collaboration and empathy.

By practising CPD, professionals can position themselves as catalysts for positive change, driving growth and success in the digital age.

Ethical and Social Implications

As AI and automation reshape industries and redefine job roles, ethical and social considerations come to the forefront. Professionals must not only possess technical expertise but also ethical awareness and social responsibility. 

CPD provides a platform for individuals to engage in meaningful discussions, explore ethical dilemmas, and develop a holistic understanding of the impact of their work on society. 

  • Debates and Discussions: Engage in debates, discussions, or online forums focused on ethical and social implications of emerging technologies, fostering critical thinking and awareness of societal impacts.

By integrating ethics and social responsibility into CPD initiatives, professionals can ensure that their skills are wielded responsibly, contributing to positive societal outcomes in an increasingly interconnected world.

Final Thoughts:

In conclusion, the age of AI and automation emphasises the critical importance of transferable skills in driving career success and organisational growth. 

Through Continuing Professional Development (CPD), individuals have the opportunity to cultivate these skills, adapt to change, foster collaboration and innovation, and sail through the ethical and social implications effectively. 

At The Institute of CPD, we are committed to empowering professionals with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the digital era.

Beyond Technical Know-How: Transferable Skills

Join us for our upcoming webinar on the importance of transferable skills in the age of AI and automation, where experts will provide insights and strategies for professional development in a rapidly changing world. Invest in your future with CPD and watch yourself grow with the transferable skills.

Follow us on our social media handles to develop transferable skills and cultivate a positive growth mindset.

Are CPD Certifications Worth Doing?

As technology reshapes the way we work and AI presents new challenges, the need for continuing professional development (CPD) certifications becomes increasingly evident. These certifications not only equip us with industry knowledge but also serve as a testament to our commitment to staying current with trends and regularly upskilling.

In this rapidly changing world, investing in CPD certifications from accredited trainers is more than just a choice; it’s a strategic move for professional growth and staying ahead of the curve.

Can I Get a Job with a CPD Certificate?


Gone are the days when a formal degree was the golden ticket to career success. Instead, employers increasingly value practical skills and industry-specific knowledge. In the rapidly changing market, Continuing Professional Development (CPD) certifications emerge as invaluable asset, offering individuals a direct pathway to acquiring specialized expertise.

Imagine a world where your potential employer cares more about what you can do than where you went to school. Picture yourself armed with precise insights into the latest trends and practices in your chosen field, courtesy of CPD-accredited training. This scenario is not merely a distant dream; it’s the reality for many proactive professionals navigating today’s competitive job market.

Take, for instance, the Digital Marketing Institute’s accredited training programs. While a formal degree may provide a broad understanding of marketing principles, CPD-certified courses dive deep into the nuances of digital marketing and social media strategies. By participating in such activities, individuals gain targeted knowledge that aligns perfectly with industry demands, setting them apart from their peers.

Now, Let's Pause and Reflect:


1. How does the idea of being judged more on your skills than your academic credentials make you feel?

2. Can you envision yourself pursuing CPD certifications to enhance your career prospects? What fields would you be interested in?

3. Think about the competitive edge CPD-accredited training could give you in your job search. How would it impact your confidence and performance in interviews?

As the workforce landscape continues to evolve, putting effort into continuous learning through CPD becomes not just an option but a necessity for those who seek to excel in their careers.

How to Get a CPD Certification?


CPD certification can be attained by attending any activity offered by an accredited CPD training provider. This could be face-to-face training, a workshop, a conference, an online event, or a webinar. There are also many other informal CPD learning activities, such as mentoring sessions, discussions with colleagues, or reading industry articles independently. Check our CPD directory to find accredited trainers and coaches. 

Benefits of CPD Certifications:


According to a report by The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023, Analytical and Creative thinking top the list of Core skills on the rise. A CPD certification in core skills always improves an individual’s core skills like Analytical thinking, Creative thinking, and IT skills.

There are also other enormous benefits to attaining CPD certifications. Professional Development certification helps you comply with industry standards, which are mandatory in a few professions like healthcare, legal, finance, teaching, and education.

They help you learn new skills too. Let’s say you’re an accountant with extensive knowledge of financial regulations and practices, but you feel uncertain about a new accounting tool in the market. In this case, you could enroll in a CPD-certified course tailored to mastering accounting software, enhancing your skills and efficiency in the digital world.

Final Thoughts


In essence, CPD certifications serve as beacons of opportunity, guiding aspiring professionals toward lucrative career paths. They bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, empowering individuals to stay relevant and thrive in ever-evolving industries.

They not only provide better employment opportunities but also help us improve our core skills and keep ourselves compliant with our respective industries’ standards.

Follow us on social media @instituteofCPD and to learn more about CPD and its benefits.

CPD Career Compass: Every day is a CPD Day

There is a constant upgrade to almost everything we do in our lives, the mobiles we use, the clothes we wear, the coffee we drink, and the media platforms we consume data. There’s always a new model or a new upgrade to everything we use in our daily lives. 

Then, there is this constant question, Does the learning stop after graduation?? Achieving a degree in Engineering, Arts or Marketing is surely an achievement to be proud of. But does it stop right there??

Guiding towards New Directions

Achieving a satisfying career journey isn’t just about the qualifications we hold; it’s about continuously evolving and growing. That’s where Continuing Professional Development (CPD) steps in – as our compass guiding us towards greater success.

The CPD Career Compass is a monthly webinar focused on How everyone can upgrade themselves in their professional career by focusing on relatively small tasks daily. 

In our first-ever webinar, we have dived deep into the realm of CPD, exploring its significance in shaping our professional trajectory. 

We uncovered real-life stories of triumph, showcasing the transformative impact CPD has had on individuals just like us. 

Every day is a CPD day!!

Every day is an opportunity to learn something, and Every day is an opportunity to upgrade ourselves both personally and professionally. 

According to our recent research, professionals and students alike are missing out on approximately 4 hours of CPD each month. That’s over 50 hours of valuable learning in a year that often goes unacknowledged.

Every podcast we listen to, every video we watch on social media, every article we read in the newspaper — they all can contribute to our daily CPD.

How does CPD influence a switch of career? By Andrew Scarle

Andrew Scarle or Drew as we love to call him is the Head of Sales of the CPD Standards Office, the official accreditation partner of the Institute of CPD. In the webinar, Drew discussed how CPD has influenced him to switch from multiple industries in his career. Started from being a stage performer to spending 6 years of his life on the water as a cruise director, moving to management, and switching into a banking role at Barclays to finally heading himself in leadership roles. 

92% attendees of the webinar feel the need to switch their careers.

Drew believes his success hinges largely on his skill in communicating with clients, guests, key decision-makers, and CEOs. He emphasized the importance of continuing professional development (CPD), stating that during his time as a cruise director or banker, he was consistently focused on improving himself, even though he didn’t recognize it as CPD back then.

Rise of CPD.. by Amanda Rosewarne, FInstCPD

Amanda Rosewarne, CEO and Co-Founder of CPD Standards Office since 2012. Over the past 20 years, Amanda has been working with 100’s of organisations on CPD accreditation and CPD practice. The CPD Standards Office was the first independent CPD accreditation service from pioneering university research that explored the concept and practice of CPD on a pan-industry and multi-disciplinary basis. 

Amanda’s current view of CPD and the changes over the past few years have been driven by the pandemic, as well as digital trends led by Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning. Coupled with this, there is a huge rise in online courses and education with an exponential number of learners seeking CPD activities in the digital space. 

The biggest questions at the moment are ‘How do I do CPD?’ and ‘How can I find great CPD activities’ & ‘What is the difference between CPD accreditation vs CPD learning?’ 

Register for Episode 2 of the CPD Career Compass where Amanda will be tackling these questions and providing advice and information on how to do great CPD, regardless of your background, educational level, or global location.

Special Read by Andy Kowalski, MInstCPD

Inspired by the webinar, one of the attendees Andy Kowalski, a Member of The CPD Institute has reached out to us about his inspiring Career Compass. Do share with us your Career Compass and we may feature you in the next Career Compass article. Enjoy Reading!

Got the idea to write this as the concept came from a Webinar held this morning by the CPD Institute and driven by Andrew Scarle as he and other representatives from the CPD Institute recounted their varied career journeys and where they finally ended up doing their current roles.

“Careers need to be seen in the context that they are not short races but need to be seen as Marathons with many obstacles along the way that need to be overcome and every person is different and unique in their way”.

I will now recount my own as it has its drivers that made me rise above the situations, I found myself in and got to where I am now!

Andy’s long haul from striving to thriving!

  • Andy’s STEM career began in 1974 at Fisons Pharmaceuticals, where he learned practical Organic Chemistry techniques.
  • He transitioned to Loughborough University of Technology in 1975, supporting teaching and research in the Organic Section while advancing his education.
  • Throughout his career, Andy diversified his skills, adapting to changing technologies like computer labs and electronic procurement systems.
  • Financial challenges in 2001 led him to take on new roles, including managing the university’s stores and later leading the wet Chemistry lab.
  • After over 40 years of service, Andy retired in 2015 but found renewed purpose as a freelance STEM Coach and Mentor. He utilised his accumulated skills and experiences to guide others in their career journeys.

Final Thoughts

CPD Career Compass is a strategic tool to navigate our career direction in a structured way. It provides inspiring career stories of professionals who have thrived in their careers using the concepts of CPD.

Register Now for the next webinar and invest wisely in your career progression.  

CPD is like a Tree: Cultivating Your CPD Journey

In the vast landscape of professional development, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) stands tall as the sturdy trunk of a tree, its branches reaching out to offer nourishment and growth opportunities to those who seek it. Just as a tree continually grows, CPD ensures that individuals keep learning and evolving in their respective fields. Let’s explore the various facets of CPD and how they resemble the diverse elements of a thriving tree.

Roots of Learning: Understanding CPD.

  • CPD, or Continuous Professional Development, is the ongoing process of learning and skill development beyond formal education.
  • It ensures professionals stay updated with industry trends, best practices, and innovations, fostering personal and career growth.

Branching Out: Exploring CPD Activities

In the rich canopy of CPD activities, there exists a multitude of options catering to different learning preferences and styles:

Structured Reading:

Delve into informative texts and articles relevant to your profession.

Books, industry reports & publications and all the relevant reading as per your profession counts under Structured Reading.

Face-to-Face Learning

Interact directly with experts and peers in settings such as:

  • Training courses
  • Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Workshop events
  • Research & Development
  • Forums

Online Learning:

Embrace the flexibility of digital platforms through:

  • E-learning modules
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Apps

Final thoughts

Just as a tree flourishes with nourishment and care, so too does your professional journey with CPD. By embracing the diverse array of learning opportunities available, you can nurture your skills, expand your knowledge, and reach new heights in your career. So, let’s continue to cultivate our CPD journey, one branch at a time, and watch as our potential blossoms into success.